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Courtesy of Daxtear! (daxtear) Courtesy of Daxtear! (daxtear)

"since this won't be shown until the context is long forgotten (if even), this is related to joe talking about one of his kids being a little monster and a chatter asking if he would use the silver sword on them, with this specific phrasing coming up eventually, thus the idea spawned"

"Steel for humans, silver for monsters." The words rang out in Anderson's head as he pondered the page. In it, he was a witcher, drawing his blade upon a defenseless child. He couldn't make heads or tails of the meaning, but he was certain the subreddit would have a field day with the symbolism.

If nothing else, it seemed like whoever had constructed this manuscript knew who he was - and what he was yet to do. He tried not to think too hard about what that could mean.

Originally seen at Not Only Was It Alan (28th October 2023)

Courtesy of hope! (hopehajime) Courtesy of hope! (hopehajime)

"insomnia noodles"

Anderson puzzled at the scroll which unfurled at his feet. It was unreasonably long, like a rambling conversation given physical form. A mad prophecy of paper, the page depicted all manner of potential futures from runaway success to the complete collapse of his identity. Only one constant was shared between the Delphic drawings - his Witcher 3 video.

Perhaps, he thought, that was his reason for being here. Perhaps the Red Presence held some grudge towards him for his creative inhibition. He quickly shrugged the thought off, however. If the Red Presence wanted the video to be completed, stranding him in the middle of nowhere certainly wouldn't hasten his creative process.

It just didn't make any sense.

Originally seen at Not Only Was It Alan (28th October 2023)